Monday, June 11, 2012

NFC East, Up For Grabs?

Courtesy of Discovery
From the beginning of the playoffs it appeared as though everything for the NY Giants was going perfectly. They were playing their best going into the playoffs. Their best only got better as the playoffs reached into the Super Bowl. The sure handed Wes Welker and the accuracy of Tom Brady couldn't even figure out a way to spoil the riches the Giants were sowing. The Giants success even followed them into Radio City Music Hall for the 2012 draft. Everything is perfect in the land of NY right? Well almost, recently their luck has started to turn. I wouldn't say any dramatic changes to their expectations should be feared at the current moment but the cloud 9 they have been on is certainly starting to shape up into a mid afternoon thunder storm on the east coast. First, Hakeem Nicks breaks a small bone in his foot rendering him out for the next 6 to 8 weeks. This is bad but not the end of the world. Second, David Diehl, a beloved staple of the offensive line was arrested this weekend on a DUI charge after hitting multiple parked cars. Now I don't want to bash a guy that from all accounts sounds like a really great guy who is more likely going to be found doing charity work than drinking and driving. Nonetheless the later of the two did occur this weekend and it doesn't take much to knock a championship team off their pedestal, especially one in the NFC East. Maybe sports do really model the real world. A team like the economy can go from what appears to be a Bull Market to a Bear Market in a matter of just 2 events. Its important for the Giants to regroup and regain their focus as the NFC East is always going to be tough and every year everyone will incorrectly project the winner of this mighty division. As great as the Giants are who can beat the Eagles if they play the way everyone expected them to play last year? With all of their pro bowl pieces in place for a full year they just need to get off to a better start and the whole country will quickly jump off the Andy Reid hate wagon and start preparing them for the Super Bowl. What about the Cowboys? Is there any team that looks as sexy as them year after year? In fact I think I may start calling them Courtesy of GHarrristhe Anna Kournikova of the  

NFL. Will this be the year Kournikova wins? I doubt it but like most I can't wait to watch and see how good it plays out. That leaves me with the Washington Redskins. I'm not exactly a young spring chicken. I'm 35 years old. I've heard they were a great team, I faintly remember Douglas in the Super Bowl but that is about it. They have been an easy bet for me over the years as I have felt confident that they would fail game after game after game. Will this year be any different? Maybe. I think it could be exciting early but slow in the second know when the big brothers in the division get serious. Ultimately, I see the Redskins being the same old Redskins....drafting in the top 10 again.


  1. Giants will be sure to grab the NFC East.

    1. I'm going to agree with you Jackman2. The whole division is really tough but the Giants have the swagger and the trophy. While the whole division is good, the Giants are simply great!

      I still love that the Seahawks can hold their head up high in NYC. That was such a big win for the Hawks.

    2. Look for Dez to have a T.O. / Randy Moss type year. DeMarco Murray is the real deal. Will their D show up? If they do, look out.

    3. Cuz benny is bringing the Cowboy love. I think they have all the pieces it just a matter of those pieces feeling as hungry as the Eagles and the Giants. Honestly, their roster is better than the whole divisions but that clearly hasn't translated into victories. Can you explain why?


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