Saturday, July 28, 2012

Can any video be funnier than this Olympic Tribute?

Okay, I have been so busy that I haven't been able to contribute anything on this site in over 2 weeks.  I apologize and hope some of the contributing authors will dive into writing some topics on the NFL as Training Camp has just started. Stay tuned for some NFL and Fantasy Football topics coming your way.

In fact I am scratching my head that this first post back is focused on the NFL.  I suppose it is that once every 4 years I feel more patriotic than disappointed.  Last night the opening ceremonies kicked off the 2012 London Olympics.  This got me thinking.  What better way to get back into the blog than to make people laugh.  I saw this video and just couldn't believe this happened.  After realizing nobody got really hurt I laughed hysterically!  Can you imagine this happening in front of millions of people around the entire world?  Any way, enjoy this 30 second video and don't be afraid to watch that whip lash and Jamaican flag rocket forward upon impact.  Just unbelievable!

Let's hope for another great and safe Olympics.  How many metals will the USA win? Over-Under 225?  You know what I'd like to see is a % of medals based on country's population and country's repressenting athletes.  It's totally unfair to be bragging about the USA or China medal count against a Norwegian or Romanian or fill in the blank.  Let's see some %'s.

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