Monday, October 29, 2012

NFL Weekend Thoughts

Non Seahawk related thoughts.

1. Vick Ballard just made what I suspect to be an ESPY play.  This should be played over and over on ESPN as a lead in to SportsCenter, NFL Live, 32, and PrimeTime. The NFL world has been craving for any Luck highlight that they can exploit for ever and this is one.  What an amazing play.

2. Dallas Cowboys, this is just hard to talk about.  What can one say that isn't going to be said more times than we can handle by all the major sports outlets?  I have both Romo and Dez Bryant on my fantasy team so I am very invested in the Cowboys. I am also very biased and feel that the Romo to Bryant TD at the end of the game could have been called a touchdown.  I see the finger is out of bounds but does the wrist that lands a split second earlier establish him in bounds? I know I'm begging here but it's the fantasy talking.  Nonetheless, it was an amazing moment for about 20 seconds. Sadly it turned like too many games have this year for the Cowboys. Another week equals another loss and more "finger" pointing. How long until wholesale changes occur in Dallas?

3. RG3 double standard?  In no way shape or form do I
dislike RG3.  I enjoy watching him just as much as the next guy.  However, I am getting tired of seeing every talk about him.  He is turning into that favorite song of yours that gets played over and over and over by the radio station until it has been ruined!  No matter what RG3 does it will be covered by everyone all the time.  Why, when his receivers drop a couple balls, do all the major media talking heads jump at the opportunity to provide excuses for his poor numbers?  Have they been watching the Seahawks and Russell Wilson? Okay, that was a dumb question.  I know they haven't! Regardless, let's treat RG3 like all the other rookie qbs.  Nobody likes a person with a silver spoon and we will all respect his efforts more if we don't feel like he is getting favorable treatment. Can his receivers do better? Yes, of course but every qb needs their wrs to make every catch.  It's just not going to happen so I say treat RG3 like you treat every rookie qb.


  1. If you go by pure talent only, you're talkin about Dez, Megatron, Fitzgerald, and maybe Brandon Marshall. Talent ONLY. You need to swing into Western State Hospital for his mental counterparts. I beleive that Jimmys and Joes beat X's and O's, talent will win out. I'm ready for Dez to go, and I love his ability. That's how much he is hurting the team and Romo.

  2. Dez over Megatron? That's bold. I think it goes Megatron, Andre Johnson, Dez, Marshall then Fitz if we are purely talking talent. Dez and Marshall are the only real head cases. Fitz, i think lacks the talent but has the highest football IQ of the bunch. He hides his lack of speed by being in the right place all the time. I agree that Jerry Jones should cut ties with Dez. There are plenty of teams out there that will give up a lot for him. I see Dez and Holmes in the same light. Talented but poisonous to the overall good of the team. Austin is still #1 in Dallas. What are your thoughts on Romo? What about the offensive play calling? I don't get 3rd or 4th and 1 situations rendering a deep drop back by Romo. I like the pass call but this needs to be a 3 step drop at the most. Maybe even another bootleg.

    1. Those recievers I named were in no particular order, just his peers PHYSICALLY. I love Romo, but Garrett seems to handcuff him with the play calling. I think more up tempo no huddle stuff would fit Romo's game perfectly. I've got Sunday Ticket and have seen every game on TV or in person, and Romo is WAY better than his stats. His line is bad, recievers running wrong routes, and bad drops. I'm confident that Romo isn't the problem, but Cowboy haters love to pile on the guy.


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