Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Colin Cowherd or Bob and Groz's opinon on Seahawks?

Courtesy of ESPN
I know Colin Cowherd is either loved or hated.  In fact I think I personally know a lot more people who have the later of the two feelings.  I, however, actually really love Cowherd.  I feel as though he has the greatest connections between sports and life.  I love politics and I love sports so listening to his show is exactly what sort of brain stimulating radio I am looking for in the morning.  It also helps that he and I both are from the Great Pacific Northwest but live on the east coast.  Yes, Cowherd typically rips the teams that I love but honestly he shares a tough opinion that I often harbor myself.  In fact I will back that up in a way that Colin Cowherd often backs up his statements. Is the best fan a blind one who never questions what a coach, owner or city is doing? My answer is no! Just like the most patriotic person isn't the type of person who agrees that everything their country does is the best and right thing to do.  Our opinions and thoughts should be expressed so that our team and or country can become the best versions of themselves.
Courtesy of ESPN and Sportsnation
I don't have anything against Bob and Groz, I often listen to them but on this matter I am going with Cowherd.  I am deeply concerned about some decisions the Seahawks have made on draft day.  In fact I think most of us are, but because we have had some much improved success since Mike Holmgren's final year and Jim Mora Jr's only year, we are giving Pete Carroll a little bit of a free pass lately.  I can't continue the free pass for Carroll as I sincerely do not like the 2011 James Carpenter draft pick at all! I think we were caught with our pants down at pick 25 and nobody to trade with.  I think we did not have a plan in place to select at that spot so we took a player that we had scouted.  However, we didn't take the best player available as Jimmy Smith, Mark Ingram, Muhammad Wilkerson and Andy Dalton quickly come to my mind as better and even needs.  Sadly, Carpenter's not even the best at his position as I see a healthy Gabe Carimi as far better.  As for this year, I am amped up about Bruce Irvin but I am equally as worried about the outcome being very Aaron Curry...esk.  Finally, while I went into the draft with a really open mind.  My only wish was to see what seems like a very nice kid in Russell Wilson be drafted by another team.  I listened daily with ringing ears to Brock and Salk salivate over the thought of drafting Russell Wilson.  While they were salivating I was holding back some very unwanted gastroesphageal reflux.  As you can imagine on that Friday night in the 3rd round I lost my cookies!  All I can do now is hope for the best and voice my opinion because the best fans have one and use one!

See the 2:51 Bob and Groz video voicing their more positive view of the Seahawks rebuilding.  All in all I think the rebuilding of the Seahawks has been really good. However, I do not think it has been flawless.  My grade is a solid B over the past 3 years but that is because their 2010 draft of Okung and Thomas will be elite.  


  1. Time will tell, but Okung hasn't been that special LT. They can't all be Walter Jones, but Okung better start staying healthy. Wasted pick in the 3rd round, and Shneider and Carroll will look like geniuses if Irvin pans out. The RB from Utah State intrigues me, too. I also think Flynn needs to start getting more than 1/3 of the reps - hand him the reins, and let him start becoming the leader.

  2. ...and Cowherd is a tool - inconsistent.


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