Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Seahawks getting love by ESPN? I love it!!!

Mr. Gary Horton of ESPN has just given me hope on a level that I have felt only exists in the great Pacific Northwest.  This article seems so uncharacteristic of the mighty ESPN.  There was some serious thought and non east coast bias taking place here.  I didn't even think ESPN had a file for the Seahawks let alone game film to review and actually see how many strides forward we have come.  Enjoy reading Gary Horton's article in blue and my follow up thoughts in green. Each image I placed in this article is linked to Mr. Horton's original article. Side note, it was tough to narrow down my selection of images for this photogenic defensive group. Great pics everywhere!

Courtesy of ProSportsblogging
Pete Carroll is a defensive-oriented head coach and has worked hard to upgrade the personnel scheme of this underappreciated unit. I see the Seahawks' defense improving for several reasons. Their draft will help, but this is also simply a young unit that should improve with more coaching this offseason.

You hit the nail on the head with underappreciated.  Most of the season the Seahawks went out and dominated their opponent on defense.  However, when the Seahawk offense sadly mirrors the Mariner offense and therefore is an afterthought in the minds of all those that matter on tv.   Sadly, while most of the country is moving towards websites and blogs like this one to get their offense, the overwhelming number of us still rely on the media tycoons to tell us what to think.  If a team loses many people are trained to either not think about that team or simply write them off as an all around bad team.  Luckily, I do not see this losing trend continuing for the Seahawks.  Our defense will single handily win us some game next year and people from the east to west coast will notice.

Courtesy of ProSportsblogging
The more film I watch, the more impressed I am. This now looks like a defense that can compete with the dominant San Francisco 49ers' D.
What did I just read?  Are my eyes playing tricks on me?  I know I had a nice strong mojito and a glass of red wine tonight but lets be real, I'm not drunk!  I'm amazed someone outside of myself, my friends, Mike Sando and the local Seattle media is saying and seeing this transformation.  This is true and it's exciting to see someone else is promoting this.  All I can say is thank you!  Look out San Francisco.  I love the rivalry we have and it is about to get the respect of the nation this year when the Seahawks sweep you.
While the Seahawks played good overall defense in 2011, they would like to improve their sack numbers -- and it looks like they have the personnel to get it done.
Okay, I'm excited but I cannot jump too far ahead.  I guess I did just predict or a sweep of the 13-3 49ers but the raw talent that we have is still too young and unproven for me to jump in and say the numbers will get better.  Sadly, reality has to kick in and we have to know that there is real game tape for our opponents to study and breakdown.  Plus, have you seen the video I posted on our 15th pick Bruce Irvin.  I want to root him on so badly, but with mental mistakes as bad as his I have to sit cautiously and see before I rush out and buy his jersey.  At the very least I have to feel confident that he won't call my/our Seahawks the Redskins!

They play a 4-3 scheme, but they will at times change their look to a 3-4 and mix in their "Elephant" look, which features an extra linebacker as a pass-rusher. Seattle likes to get that pressure without a lot of blitzes, although it trusts its defensive backs if forced to put them on an island in single man coverage. The Seahawks have a terrific front four lead by RDE Red Bryant, who is a great run-stopper and physical rusher, and LDE Chris Clemons, who is their best edge rusher. Now they add rookie DE/OLB Bruce Irvin to the mix. Irvin is perfect as the "Elephant" edge rusher in all their sub-packages. Plus, they can overload their pass rush on one side, almost like the old Buddy Ryan 4-6 defense.
I'm just going to repeat Horton's "terrific front four lead by RDE Red Bryant" and walk away from this paragraph because I don't want to jinx anything Horton said here.  I've got my popcorn ready!
They are also excellent inside with a deep defensive tackle rotation of starters Alan Branchand Brandon Mebane, along with free-agent pickup Jason Jones. They can really get creative with their fronts and schemes because of the versatility of this group, which is perfect for Carroll.
Courtesy of SP Northwest
I am very excited to Jason Jones play along side Red Bryant's run stuffing skills and Chris Clemon's 11 sacks.  I just wish we could have had Jones stuff Matt Hasselbeck in his luggage when we lured him to Seattle.  Still my favorite Seahawk and no part of me would think we would be finishing 2nd in this division if he was where a Seahawk number 8.  I still have your autographed photo hanging on my wall Matt.
This linebacking group looks solid, with rookie MLB Bobby Wagner and OLBs Leroy Hill andK.J. Wright. They are an athletic group with good speed and range. However, they have the luxury of playing in front of a terrific secondary.
This will be interesting to see how this plays out.  I, like many, were deeply disturbed by the Seahawks missing out on Mychal Kendricks, the linebacker out of Cal, who went 2 picks earlier to the Eagles.  I may be most interested in seeing how Wagner plays at this level because like most of us never saw him play in college.  I've seen a lot of youtube clips since drafting him but no scout relies on that even if his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle videos are entertaining.  Even the preseason games have me excited to see this group.
Courtesy of features.rr.com
Of all the film I have watched in this offseason, the Seattle secondary is the most impressive unit I didn't know about. Both safeties, Earl Thomas and Kam Chancellor, are Pro Bowl players. They are not only physical, but elite cover guys for their size. Starting cornersBrandon Browner and Richard Sherman aren't household names, but they are the biggest duo in the NFL, and that size and physicality allows them to play the aggressive press coverage on the outside that Carroll loves.
Remove the "didn't know about" from this first sentence and you have yourself some tickets to the first game this year in the Clink Mr Horton.  This group does worry me more than any group.  This is such a raw, young and inexperienced group that I don't know whether to sit here and say look at the new secondary model for the NFL or to prepare myself for fast wrs to run past or through this group led by Earl Thomas.  I sincerely feel this is the model of the future but I need one more year before I can say it with pure confidence and conviction.  In Earl I trust and follow.  Lead us my man as you are the leader of the Seahawks in my opinion.  We will go as far as you can take us.
Courtesy of NFL.com
This defense plays with a swagger, and is the most physical group that I have seen on film. They have great variety in their skill sets, which allows the coaches to create exotic schemes. Above all, though, they are a young defense that will be good for a long time.
Good for a long time.  I like and welcome this insight.  We Seahawk fans are ready. In tribute to this great defense check out this competition I found on youtube.  The Seahawks are in the Championship round against...guess who... the Steelers.  Will we get a fair shake this time?  Check it out by clicking on the video! 

I hope you enjoyed this article and my additional thoughts to Gary Horton's initial article.
Go Seahawks.  Leave your comments by clicking on the blue comment section below.

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