Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hardest Hitting Team of All Time?

I have been searching for this gif of Marshawn Lynch since the moment he railroaded Dashon Goldson in the first quarter of last week's game. It took a while but like a run from Lynch you can always expect me to finish strong!  What was Goldson thinking?  I know it was a shortened week but did he skip out on every film session?  I don't even think a linebacker wants any part of Lynch.  Why would a defensive back even think to take on Lynch above the ankles? I suspect he will approach a tackle like this differently in our rematch.  Can you think of a team that has ever been this hard hitting?  Of course there are historically hard hitting defensive teams but think about the team as a whole.  None of these players are even defensive. THIS IS OUR OFFENSE!!! We all know without the assistance of a gif how hard our defense hits.  Come to think of it, send me a URL of a gif for one of our defensive players and I will add it to this collection of amazing hits.

What is your favorite gif of the year so far? Vote in the upper left corner of the blog and then leave a comment at the bottom of this post.

#1 Marshawn Lynch

#2 Golden Tate

#3 Leon Washington

Leave me a comment of your favorite hit.

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