Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sourdough in San Francisco

It's a well known fact that San Francisco makes the world's most famous sourdough. Its the unique air in the Bay Area that has higher than average yeasts and lactobacilli cultures that feed the sourdough during its leavening.  I don't understand this process anymore than the average fellow but what I do know is that same air in San Francisco must have been the reason for my sour feelings in the 2nd half of Thursday night's game. Speaking of sour feelings is this why Jim Harbaugh is quickly becoming one of the least liked people in the NFL. I used to think he was great but now I just can't stand the camera on him.  Does the air in San Fran have this affect on everything?

Anyway, back to my sour feelings.  Was it just me or did the Seahawks look to be controlling the game from the beginning?  Our #1 ranked defense looked like they were well number 1. They were in control and doing their thing like only they can do.  Our offense marched down the field like the 49ers had the 25th ranked defense not the 5th ranked.  Minus the drop by Robert Turbin, who I will continue to state is one of my favorite players in a draft that I think we did very well.  In fact on draft weekend I was most excited about our Robert Turbin pick.  Now it's a toss up between Wilson, Wagner, Turbin or even Irvin.  What a draft!  Back to the drop.  That was painful.  I think Turbin would have bulldozed his 28inch biceps into the endzone for a touchdown had he kept those normally soft hands on the ball. It was game 7 and his first mistake. 

I'll let it slide but I do think that changed the development of the game.  At some point in the near future our Seahawks need to stop kicking field goals and punch the ball in for 6pts.  Until we can consistently  score touchdowns we will be looking at Wilson and our defense in the 4th quarter to save us.

Speaking of Wilson, if I hear anyone over the next week and a half complain about his passing yards I'm going to actually mirro Jim Harbaugh's look in the above picture and believe me I want no part of modeling anything Jim Harbaugh related.  Wilson was posed, mature, accurate and spectacular throughout the game.  I know, I get it, he only through for 130 yards and a 103 were in the first half.  That stat line is terrible but did you watch the game?  Did you see Obomanu fall in the open field?  That may have gone for a TD.  Did you see Moore drop what looked like an impossibly perfect pass along the sidelines?  Did you see Golden Tate drop a 3rd and 2 to start the second half?  That may have been the most damning drop of them all.  The Seahawks were marching down the field like the 49ers were soft butter on a piece of that warm sourdough bread.  We had TD in our eyes and all Tate was focused on was whether a maple bar doughnut is tastier than a slice of sourdough!  Until Tate starts catching deep balls I don't want to see his arms go up questioning why there was no flag thrown. got your one dream call against the Packers.  Don't rely on the refs to give you a catch.  You better make it on your own or else you will be working a normal 40 to 50 hour work week like the rest of us soon.  I'm already brainstorming your replacement in this next year's draft!

Last thought. I was shockingly disappointed in the Seahawk defense.  I was surprised beyond my expectations that the 49ers ran the ball on us like they did.  I get it, Gore has our number.  I don't understand it but I have grown to expect it. What happened to our dominant defense in the 2nd half?  It wasn't just Gore.  It was those little dump off passes in the middle that really killed us.  I was very impressed with our ability to stop Vernon Davis but not at the expense of letting Alex Smith feel comfortable and confident in the passing game.  I would have liked to have seen a DE not rush but sit in that intermediate zone and wait for Alex Smith to check down.  He had no intention of passing deep he was just buying time for clearance in the middle.

Nonetheless, if we all learned one thing it is that the Seahawks have no reason to fear anyone.  My dream for this year was to jell, to build a culture and trust around 1st and 2nd year players.  Have we done this?  Oh yes and far better than I expected by game 7.  Let's focus on the good and let's count the days down until we can see more Marshawn Lynch running over the aging 49er secondary.


  1. Man, that was rough! As for Harbaugh, how come when Jon Gruden makes pissed off faces, we say, "Oooh look how competetive and fierce ol' Chucky is!" Then we call Harbaugh an a**hole? I'd swap head coaches with the Niners right now... It's hard for a back up running back of Turbin's size to make that catch on a wheel route like that and I'm still bullish on him. But Wilson was bad. The play after the Moore drop he hits Obamanu for 37 yards, so the Moore drop was not critical, and you can't just add those yards Moore would've made to Wilson's stats because I doubt Obamanu's play would've taken place had Moore caught it. Tate was the real culprit this game. Him and Dez can drive a guy nuts. Super talented, wildly inconsistant. Let' not give Wilson a free pass - He had the same QB rating as me the second half - 0.0. Gore and Hunter had their way with our D, and they were simple, off tackle tone setting runs.
    Sorry to ramble, love your stuff, it gets me riled up again 3 days after the game.

    1. I know what you mean. When I write these I regurgitate my sour feelings and get fired up all over again? You make some great points about Harbaugh. I would not swap him with Carroll but I also agree that he is a very good coach. He, to me is like a Gary Payton or Deion Sanders. You love him if he is going to battle for you but dislike him if he is against you. I have to disagree with you on Turbin. He has the hands to make that catch and will do it next time. As you can tell from my article I couldn't agree more about Tate. He is killing me and Dez is on my fantasy team so he is killing me all the same! His groin injury better not be legit. I need him with the bye weeks in full effect today. As for Wilson. It's tough for me to defend a 0.0 rating but I also think the numbers don't display the performance on this night. 6 dropped balls kill rhythm, not to mention drives. We will look better next week. Let's go Seahawks.


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