Sunday, September 23, 2012

One Last Cowboy Post: Video Rated R

If you want to see a passionate fan yell, swear, spit and sweat over the frustration he felt during the beat down Seattle put on the Cowboys take a look at this link.  I didn't embed it into the blog because of the foul language but I don't want to deprive anyone from a great performance like this guy just put on.  I have to give my buddy Adam credit for finding this video.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Need a Laugh is Back!

What is your favorite?
Only on the golf course...right Kasy?
I feel guilty posting this.  Sorry.
Photoshop or real thing?
No thanks, one drink a night.
NFL Football on Sunday cures this   problem! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Russell Wilson is More Than a Football Player

Okay, if you are a Seahawk fan it's pretty impossible to dislike Russell Wilson.  But when I truly evaluate a player I like to look at who the person is as well.  We all know from basic game time comments and talk radio that Russell Wilson is special.  Over the next week or so I would like to actually dig in and do some real homework on who he is and how he has become the player and person he is today.  In the mean time check out this Levi commercial. There isn't a lot of Levi promoting going on in the commercial but that I think is the beauty of it.  How many commercials can motivate a guy to blog and push it onto his site?  Nice work.  Very well put together.  Go Seahawk! Go Russell Wilson...on the field and off the field! 

This was an exciting week of voting on the poll.  I don't know who participated but it was cool to see some new numbers.  My goal is to get up to 20 votes with these fantasy related polls.  As I would expect it is a little easier to cast your vote if you are winning and thus we see the highest number with a 1-0 record after week 1.  I was one of the 1-0 votes but sadly I was not the scored over 200.  I have yet to crack that number this year even after week 2.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Need A Laugh?

Okay, I am a little late in posting these but they are too funny to not put on my Need A Laugh tab.  My personal favorites in order are: 9, 6, 2, 8, 7, 4, 5, 1, 3.  What is your favorite?

  Here are the top nine comments made by NBC sports commentators
  during past Summer Olympics that they would like to take back:

1. Weightlifting commentator: "This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria . I saw
  her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing."

  2. Dressage commentator: "This is really a lovely horse and I speak
  from personal experience since I once mounted her mother."

  3. Paul Hamm, Gymnast: "I owe a lot to my parents, especially
  my mother and father."

  4. Boxing Analyst: "Sure there have been injuries, and even some
  deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious."

  5. Softball announcer: "If history repeats itself, I should think we
  can expect the same thing again."

  6. Basketball analyst: "He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn't
  like it. In fact you can see it all over their faces."

  7. At the rowing medal ceremony: "Ah, isn't that nice, the wife
  of the IOC president is hugging the cox of the British crew."

  8. Soccer commentator: "Julian Dicks is everywhere. It's like
  they've got eleven Dicks on the field."

  9. Tennis commentator: "One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is
  that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them...
  Oh my God, what have I just said?"

Boys to Men

Hello Boys, I know you came into Seattle with all the mass media hyping you up.  The NFL sounded ready to crown you the next Super Bowl Champion after taking down the NY Giants.  ESPN, Ed Werder, Skip Bayless and everyone but Mike Sando had the Boys winning. Their only fear was that maybe the Boys would be looking past the Seahawks or maybe their head wouldn't be in the right place. Enter Golden Tate who either mistakened Mr Lee for a giant doughnut or he served notice to the rest of the league that the Seahawks are no joke.  There are no boys in Seattle...just players that are here to prove they are men!  The only surprise about the Seahawks this weekend was that they didn't end Sunday night 2-0.  The Seahawks are legit and the Packers better know it.  Look out NFL, if you didn't get the memo this week the NFC West is the new division!

After doing a little web surfing I have found some fyb tweets by a Cowboy follower.
From Tom Orsborn: @tom_orsborn
I don’t care what the medical people saw on the sidelines. You can’t convince me Sean Lee should be back in the game after that hit.
From Tom Orsborn: @tom_orsborn
Tate will get a hefty fine for that one. It was, in a word, vicious.
From Tom Orsborn: @tom_orsborn
How is Lee able to walk after that punishing blindside block by Tate?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fantasy Ratings Week 2

 Check out this week's fantasy projects.  Rather than posting something that shows the projected points which is very specific to the league you are in I decided to post ratings to help you make better decisions if you happen to be lucky enough to have multiple players within the top 16 to 17 spots.  Good luck.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Is it a bird, is it a plane is it Superman that John Moffitt is looking up at?  No, its our hope of getting back on track and winning a very big game.  I'm usually known for being a little too dramatic and sensitive to what has recently happened.  To steal a common phrase by everyone's least favorite ESPN pundit Skip Bayless,  I may even go as far as describing myself as a "prisoner of the moment". That being said I think this is a very big game.  Not because it's the Boys in town.  That is big for Dallas fans but for the rest of us we just see them as a team from a big state.  We certainly don't see them as a big team.  And even further my generation should never describe them as America's Team.  That phrase forces a little up-chuck in my mouth every time I hear it.  While I've professed my love for T.O. before on this blog I was never about to adopt the Cowboys as my team.  While I like Romo and I currently have Dez Bryant on my fantasy team you will not see me for a second smile or cheer if the Cowboys do anything well on Sunday.  I am all Seahawk all the time!

Now getting back to the Seahawks and the importance of this game.  What do we need on Sunday?  We need big John Moffitt and his nastiness to get aggressive, to be the mauler and bulldozer he showed signs of being during his rookie year.  I don't want to poo poo on the J.R. Sweezey story as it was really exciting and notable but it's time to open up lanes for Marshawn, provide protection for Wilson and downright dominate the line of scrimmage. Moffitt was a man beast last year and I expect to see
The Beast control the game on Sunday because Moffiitt is back.  Will this change make all the difference we need?  Most likely no but I think Wilson will be more posed and confident right from the start.  Could we really expect a rookie qb to feel comfortable in the first quarter of his first NFL game?  I don't think so.  Then when you see a 6-4 290 lbs Darnell Dockett in Wilson's face all day long you have to wonder how the Seahawks were even close at the end.  I give the Seahawks a lot more credit than the sports radio hosts have been this week.  We are one dropped pass by _______ fill in the blank (Rice, Baldwin, Edwards) from winning the game in.  Dare I say that my favorite T.O. might have caught that last pass?  What about Kellen Winslow?  Who knows?  What we do know is that the Seahawks and the offensive line need to get it done this week because it won't get any easier next week with the Packers.  Let's get back on the right track.  Let's be loud 12th man!  Let's win!!!    

Friday, September 7, 2012

Seahawks Defensive Backfield The Press Corner

courtesy: The News Tribune

Here we are at the cusp of a new season.  We have spent the last seven months thinking about the draft, who to re-sign, what possible free agents to acquire and the like.  All the while, every Offensive Coordinator in the NFL has been devising new ways of putting points up on the board.  This is a copycat league, remember when the 2008 Miami Dolphins unleashed the WildCat formation and almost every team tried to implement it the next year.  Well, with the Patriots success with the Twin TE set last year and the emergence of Jimmy Graham and the “Joker TE” you can rest assured many teams will be on the bandwagon in 2012.  The NFL is now a passing league, gone are the days of ‘Ground Chuck’  --- you remember 3 yards and a cloud of dust.  So what is a defense to do?  I believe Pete Carroll has seen the writing on the wall and has been waiting for the right pieces to show off his idea on how to defeat today’s passing attack.
The Seattle Seahawks have invested a lot of resources into their backfield since Pete Carroll and John Schneider (PCJS) strolled into town.  29% of all their draft picks over the past three drafts have been on Defensive Backs (8 out of 28).  You want more numbers - how about 22% of their UDFA signings as well (10 of 46).  Now that we have established how important DB’s are to this Defense let’s get into the why.  The Seahawks Defense is predicated on stopping the run with three huge down linemen (Mebane, Branch, Big Red), an undersized LEO, Clemmons, and an active Mike who only has to watch two gaps.  They are the blue-collar tough guys that make the magic in the Secondary possible.
The Seahawks Defensive Backfield consists of three key elements and one irreplaceable player: Press Corners, Slot Corners, a Heavy Nickelback, and Earl Thomas.  In this series I will give you my take on how they are used within the scheme.

Press Corners: Brandon Browner (6’4 - 221), Richard Sherman (6’3 - 195), Jeremy Lane (6’0 - 190), Byron Maxwell (6’1 - 207)

            Today’s NFL offenses are predicated on speed and timing.  Watching Aaron Rodgers throw a back shoulder pass is a beautiful thing…especially when the receiver doesn’t even look for the ball until just before it gets to him.  The Seahawks upset this speed and timing by crowding the opposing receivers at the line, which they all hate,

and knocking them off of their route tree.  As the QB goes through his progressions the receivers’ are not at the depth or position they should be, which causes them to go to their next target or throw a pass that they haven’t practiced a thousand times.
 Many teams implement press coverage into a Cover-2 zone.  Basically the Cornerback will press, or impede the advancement of the Receiver for the first 5 yards.  If the receiver continues a sideline route the Corner will stay with him for 15 yards before giving way to a Safety.  What makes the Seahawks press corners’ unique, aside from their size, is the ability to play man coverage.  The Seahawks Corners are tasked with not only putting a hard press on the opposing Receiver, but also to stay with them no matter what route they may run.  This keeps Kam Chancellor free to read the play: Sniffing out Screens and Draw’s.   The Seahawks DB’s are bigger and stronger than anything a lot of these wide receivers have faced, causing quite a frustrating day for the opponent’s.   Check out this link from to see what Brandon Browner brings to the table:

    After seeing that mauling of Brandon Gibson it is easy to imagine that a referee could throw the flag on just about any play...But, with him getting inside the head (and shorts) of Gibson it is also easy to surmise why Pete Carroll is willing to take those penalties from time to time.  It's all about creating an attitude on defense - which has been missing since the day's of Rufus Porter, Jacob Green and Cortez Kennedy.